Budapest, VII.Ker. Erzsébet Krt. 4. fsz 4. (In the courtyard of the house.)  Phone: +36-70-509-9431

Here we are

Driving license B by elearning in English


Dear Students

For e-learning education, you can apply here:

Our school provides a 4 900 HUF discount for students with student cards or coupon cards from the e-learning fee. (65 100 HUF)


Would you please use the coupon code only if you have a student card or coupon card that you can present at our school?


The curriculum includes theory exam preparation tests

for a successful exam!

Our school provides auxiliary material for the theory exam

and for the practical exam.


What does an e-learning theory course mean?


E-learning KRESZ education = preparation for the KRESZ exam without classroom instruction.


Our school provides you the opportunity to prepare for the theory (KRESZ) exam at home.

You do not have to go to a classroom to learn the theory. You can study and prepare for the exam from home - in a comfortable setting and on your own schedule.

E-learning is a new education program that is accepted by the Hungarian National Transport Authority. It prepares you fully and allows you to take the official theoretical exam.

Application Procedure:

If you would like to choose the eLearning theory course (KRESZ) from the home program, then fill in the application form on our web, and we will register you.

During office, time come into our school and pay the course fee. (70.000HUF)


If you want to register online, click on the image:



Our school provides a 4 900 HUF discount for student cards and coupon cards from the e-learning fee. (65 100 HUF)


or you can register personally at our school


If you have questions, please get in touch with me: +36-70-509-9431

or in-person in the office

Monday 12:00 – 17:00
Tuesday 12:00 – 17:00
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 12:00 – 17:00
Friday 12:00 – 18:00
Saturday - Sunday Closed



category "B"  course in English e-learning


Please get in touch with us via phone or e-mail, fill in our application form - "Jelentkezési lap" on our website, or come into the office to register.


Budapest, VII.Erzsébet körút. 4. fsz. 4.

            Map click HERE


Monday 12:00 – 17:00
Tuesday 12:00 – 17:00
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 12:00 – 17:00
Friday 12:00 – 18:00
Saturday - Sunday Closed




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Application Procedure:

To sign up for the e-learning theory course (KRESZ), please do the following:

  1. Fill out the online application form
  2. Provide the following documents,
  • Identity card or passport
  • Address card
  • Residence permit
  • Application form (contract) available in our office
  1. Pay the 70 000 HUF (or with a discount of 65 100 HUF) tuition fee

Our school provides a 4 900 HUF discount for student cards and coupon cards from the e-learning fee. (65 100 HUF)

After your registration, you will receive access to the e-learning program.

You can use this program on your computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone.



  • Medical certificate from your doctor (approximately:8,000 HUF)
  • Address card
  • Residence permit
  • Certificate of elementary (8 classes in school) or higher school diploma translated into Hungarian. (Translator office address: OFFI 1062 Budapest Bajza utca 52. Phone:061-428-9600)
  • The theory exam fee is 4 600 HUF


The exam date and location will be communicated to you via e-mail. You will need to confirm whether the exam's suggested date works for you. 

After successfully passing the theoretical exam, you can start the practical course. The fee for the driving course has to be paid in advance. It is also possible to pay the course fee in installments every 10 hours.

You can arrange the hours of driving lessons with your instructor.



E-learning theoretical education fee: 70 000 HUF (With a discount of 65 100 HUF) (180 days/75 hours)

    29 hours mandatory driving lessons fee: 29 X 9 500 HUF = 275 500 HUF   

        (manual car 9 500 HUF/lesson)

        (automatic car 9 500 HUF/lesson


Other additional fees:

      Theoretical exam fee: 4 600 HUF

      Practical exam fee: 11 000 HUF 

      (During the practical exam, you must pay one lesson fee for using the training car.)


     (During the practical exam, you must pay one lesson fee for using the training car.)

  • 14 500 HUF - First Aid course training (organized by our school, optional)
  • 18 000 HUF - First Aid exam fee
  • Medical certificate (can be obtained from the district family doctor). The fee might differ depending on the doctor.

* The First Aid exam is a prerequisite for issuing a driving license!



The student on demand can choose automatic transmission cars for practice lessons.

In this case, the student, after the successful exam, gets a driving license that qualifies to drive only an automatic transmission car.

Lessons fee on automatic transmission car: 9 500 HUF/session.

(Driving lessons fees can be paid in cash.)


 If you run out of time, you can pay for e-learning extra extension time by credit card online.


If you want to register online, click on the image:



 or you can register personally in our school


Office hours:

Monday 12:00 – 17:00
Tuesday 12:00 – 17:00
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 12:00 – 17:00
Friday 12:00 – 18:00
Saturday - Sunday Closed


expired e-learning program extension fee: 15 000 HUF   (10 hours/30 days)



Map view: here


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Click on the picture.

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The student must open the online program within 90 days, from the ordering date, otherwise can't log in to the program and need to pay again the fee, if he/she wants to continue the course.
Must do the theory exam within nine months from the start date of the course, and must do a successful theory exam within one year from the start date of the course, and from the successful theory exam within two years, must do a successful traffic exam so otherwise the previous exams will be lost, and required to start the course from the beginning.


The ordered e-learning program is sent by e-mail from the computer company called e-Titan. If you can't find it, please check it out in SPAM!

Students must open the program within 90 days of applying date otherwise, they will not be able to enter.

The students must take a TRAFFIC exam within nine months of starting the course.

They must pass the TRAFFIC exam within one year of starting the course.

They must take a successful traffic exam within two years of passing the TRAFFIC exam otherwise, their previous exams will be lost, and they will have to take a new course.


Application for the theory and the traffic test:

After completing the online course, you will receive a certificate from the program, which authorizes you to take the official theory exam.

When applying for the exam, please note that the application must be submitted to the examination center at least three weeks before the deadline!

Apply for the theoretical exam is possible at the school.

Registration for the exam needs a passport, address card, residence permit, certification from the online course, medical certificate for category B driving license (GP), and paid exam fee. (4 600 HUF in cash.)

We will send you the date and place of the exam in an e-mail notification, in which you should write a reply letter confirming that you have acknowledged the date.

Once you have passed the theoretical exam, you can start the practical course! Driving hours must always be paid for in advance but can be paid in installments every 10 hours!

You can arrange driving lessons with your instructor.
The lessons are recorded by the instructor on the basis of the so-called “driving booklet”, on which each practical lesson is recorded.

At the beginning and end of each driving lesson on the driving booklet, you must certify with your signature the authenticity of the data related to the hour (time, odometer reading). Based on this, we can prove to the authority that you have fulfilled the required lessons and kilometers (580km.).

Three working days after your successful practical exam, the examination certificate will be sent by the transport authority to the district Government offices, after which the license will be accepted at any district Government office.






Welcome to our driving school!



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driving licence B, driving school in Budapest, b driving licence budapest, driving school in english,b category driving license,driving license budapest